Aug 24, 2009

Sick Holiday...

Haiz....Last saturday morning,I feel headache and also feel very cool..At night,I only know that I got fewer.My mum ask me to eat medicine and go sleep early...But..I also sleep at 12.00pm..haha..Now,I also not feeling so well..Just feel tied..Luckily now is holiday then can rest for 1 weeek..Yeah..Holiday is really what?Sleep..Eat..See tv..BORINg..I wan to go back skul and know my result..My Eng is very bad loh..Hope that can get B lah becoz A is cant get liao..wheather B or C..But got 80% is C and 2o% is B..Haiz...whatever lah..just ujian 2 ..

Ntg to post..just hope that holiday faster past and I dun wan get sick leh..Bye..

Aug 20, 2009

Exam finish..

Haha..Long time didt post liao..Actually yesterday I want to post de..but I feel stomach pain..Then go toilet loh..After that I walk out from toilet..OMG..I saw a crocroach..AH.....I quickly run(scare) .. ..Yesterday is the last day exam..finish liao..I think this is very happy de..But..I feel sad because when I finish exam then I sit and my place..suddenly yon jian tell me that my sejarah exam wrong MANY question..I just like *Me?wrong many?why is me?izit*haiz..The abu loh..When mt classmates ask abu the sej answer..then the abu take my exam paper..So yon jian tell me..I quickly go back home and check my answer..I think really wrong many..Dunno can get A onot..haiz..exam is very difficult this time..especially CN and SEJ..I hate it..Now I veri worry about my result..Izit the result very bad?I think I will drop my at no 5,6,7 or maybe is 10..Dunno teacher will giv some of the result today leh?Worry ..Worry and Worryyyyyyyy..

Aug 10, 2009

Sembahyang Day..

Yesterday is "zi gong dan",mean a day that buddha ppl need to go temple to sembahyang a god.At 7.15pm , my dad come and fetch me.After back home, I quickly go bath and eat dinner.After that, I and my family go to the temple.We reach there about 10pm.It was so late liao and many ppl also go back liao but nvm lah..we still *bai bai*becoz got heart, late also nvm de..After bai bai then my family go to eat xiao ye..I order a hot *lin che keng* and a black black mee (fu jian mian)..I eat until the mouth also got a bit dirty..haha..tan chi gui..In the car,I fell letih so I sleep in the car until reach home..haha..

Lastly, hope all my friends dont sick and dun kena H1N1..hope always healthy my fren...

Aug 8, 2009


This message is very I share with u all..Hope u all like it lah..

普通 VS 真正
一個普通的朋友從未看過你哭泣。 一個真正的朋友有雙肩讓你的淚水濕盡。
一個普通的朋友不知道你父母的姓氏。 一個真正的朋友有他們的電話在通訊錄上。

一個普通的朋友會帶瓶葡萄酒參加你的派對。 一個真正的朋友會早點來幫你準備並且為了幫你打掃而晚點走。
一個普通的朋友討厭你在他睡了後打來。 一個真正的朋友會問為什麼現在才打來。
一個普通的朋友找你談論你的困擾。 一個真正的朋友找你解決你的困擾。
一個普通的朋友對你的羅曼史感到好奇。 一個真正的朋友可以威脅你說出來。
一個普通的朋友在拜訪時,像一個客人一樣。 一個真正的朋友會打開冰箱自己拿東西。
一個普通的朋友期望你永遠在他身邊陪他。 一個真正的朋友期望他能永遠陪在你?

Aug 7, 2009

Nothing special day

Today..ntg special..our group haven presentation dunno who win who lose..Today I go library wif my friends becoz exam is coming .need to study hard..The first time that today i dint go to canteen becoz not hungry so I go to kaunseling wif Hou Yee lo..At last period..the Abu ask our class to decorate the dataran perhimpunan wif bendera..I very lazy to help,I do H/W wif Esther loh..Boring..ntg to post..BB..

Aug 6, 2009

A dream...

When I when up today..I still remember my dream..My dream is I go to a ice-cream stalls to buy 3 ice-cream(funny)..but just a dream..Yesterday I go to Jusco to shopping..My sis they all buy many things but me...haiz..just 0..(angry).Yesterday I also dont know WHY , I feel not veri happy and when BM period , I talk bad someone..and Jea Hui say (u change bad liao)..izit?I also dunno ..maybe.Today got the perbahasan and my group is perbangkang..and the percadang is chinese boy group..dunno which group will win..haven know yet..hope that my group will win lah..when I typing this blog..i feel cold becoz now is raining ..haha..

Aug 4, 2009

KHB period..

Today my ENG teacher didnt come..YEAH!
After KHB all the student need to do the wood stuff.. 
I was so stupid..i dunno how to do..then i ask esther to help very difficult to do the papan leh...In this 3 period,I just put a paku inside the papan and that wan is oso Esther help me stupid loh..dunno when can finish the papan project..
OMG..who can help me ...Today i fell so tired.. need to finish the PSV...
so gonna to say BB....

Aug 1, 2009


Hi..this is my first post. I think write blog is excited and can practice myself to write a diary..
today s the morning,I went to school for the koko..but don't have club catur..haiz..nvm loh. Then go for KRS and learn kawad kaki. It is a hot day but is fun to learn kawad..
After that, me and my sister menaiki RAPID KL to go back home.The bus is cool but smelly..HATE it..After back home, just watch TV and do homework loh..

nothing to write..bYE..